I gave blood about the same time Soubi did. I saw him there. I didn't say anything to him though. Do I sound really horrible? I don't think so, but I could see how one would see it that way. He is really stubborn, I tell him everything and he rarely says things about himself. I mean I know the human mind is something really complex, but I don't need to know EVERYTHING about him. I re member once, he called me during christmas break to say good night around 1 a.m. but then we started talking about elementary school and he told me so much about it, so did I, but that's besides the point. He talked to me about a lot of things we talked until 3 a.m. when his phone died. It was the best conversation I think we've ever had. There is a grey spot in his life that he never tells me about it, I'm really curious about it, but he won't tell me about it. Blah.
Um... what else... Three day weekend!!! Yay! But I have to write 2 essays for a project and study for a test and a bunch of other shit. Today is my rest day, because I just gave blood and even though I'm not really THAT weak (since I took an hour nap the moment I got home) Did I mention I hadn't eaten any REAL food the whole day? I just drank and ate a bunch of artificial sugar so I wouldn't die. It's not my fault! I hated the pizza they gave us after the lecture.
Blah... I think I'm going to text him. Idk. I think I might fall asleep again.
So why am I Button?
Button=My name on Karen's blog.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I was a stubborn bitch. That is all.