Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Sappy Day!!!

Ah. I officially hate man sized bears and huge balloons.

I walked into school and I was late so I managed to open my locker and throw a bunch of crap in it, lock it, and walk fast through the crowds to class upstairs in about 3 minutes. An official record.

As I ran through crowds of people I was surrounded by people with pink, red, and white bags, chocolates, roses, fucking bears, balloons, and stupid teenage couples. I can't believe I didn't bring anything sharp or pointy to school to pop their dreams! Ha, not so extreme but it was frustrating. Before I walked into school I saw this unattractive, imo, guy holding one of those animal pillow things but valentine's style and I thought that was cute. Then I walked inside the school of fake love. Ugh.

I don't hate Valentine's day. I do think it's a great day for people to really show their love for one another. Sincerely though, I would do something out of the ordinary for my significant other.

But, my ordinary would be giving my significant random gifts, always telling them how much they mean to me, how much I love them, giving them roses/their favorite flowers (reference to my dream if I shared that with you guys, I don't remember if I ever did), I would leave small little notes telling them to have a great day and how beautiful they are. I'm a hopeless romantic, eh.

My life just seems to be getting more and more boring by the second. A bit sad really. I had practice today until 6, and dear jesus. Okay, I have a FIVE page solo which is mostly me playing, minus like eight measures.

I found out I was playing my entire first page wrong a week or so ago. I just didn't have time to re learn it last week. Now today (I was supposed to) play with my piano accompanist, so I had to learn it. Then I was forced to have a session thing with the percussion teacher, so I went to him and he taught me how it went. Now my first page is EXCRUCIATINGLY slow. And I hate it so! When it was fast I could cover up a bunch of my mistakes but now I am forced to have everything perfect.

So, today I had to practice it for hours, and I almost cried at one point in my practice, because I was so frustrated and the song is so emotional (to me). Ah, and then I had 1 hour sectionals and a 1 hour 15 minutes full band practice 15 minutes afterwards. Man, was it a rough day for playing.

Ah... I think I'm slightly addicted to farmville. Stupid Gil, he started my playing again :/

Tomorrow I'm planning on hanging out after school, see who's up to hang out!

My Calculus teacher most likely is hating me!

P.S. Stumbling is amazing XD and so is age of empires (maybe that's the name) 2 is awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, it was the same way for me, except I kept "D'AWWW!!"ing at everyone's bear. And then J got me one and a bunch of candy and tiny things and I D'AWWW'd at her for about 20 mintues... And by D'aww, I mean physically assaulted...

    I'm sorry that practice was so lousy. That's kind of how it was for me last Thursday. The director pretty much yelled at me the entire time because I can't bend my wrist far enough to do flourishes correctly @_@ And my releases are too "lofty".... WELL EFF HER AND HER NEED FOR PERFECTION!!!!
